Tag, You’re It

One of my brilliant fellow picture book writer/colleagues at Pens and Brushes, Mirka Breen, tagged me on her blog to join in a blogging game. It was fun to answer the questions, so I’m passing them along to you.

I answered the questions and I hope you will also play.

Rules/questioned copied are in bold.

The Tag rules:
1. You must post the rules!
2. Answer the questions.
3. Tag eleven people and link to them.
4. Let them know you’ve tagged them.
Questions to answer:If you could live in a fictional world, where would that be? Just off the top of my head, I would say Camelot. I’ve been enamored of King Arthur for as long as I can remember: at least as far back as Junior High School. I have a good-sized collection of books about him and I have a story that’s been hatching since I was an undergraduate in college. Of course, there are many other fictional places I would love to live in; Hogwarts, Dodge City, any time period in London, among others.Do you read in noisy or quiet places? I usually read in quiet places, but noise does not bother me; when I get involved in a book, I can read anywhere.What was the first book you ever read? I don’t remember the first book I actually read, but I remember that The Raggedy Ann and Raggdy Andy were among the first books that I really loved. In school, I loved reading the Dick and Jane books and the Alice and Jerry books.

If you could only read one book for the rest of your life, what would it be? My literature profs stressed that Western Literature is born of both Greek Literature and the Bible. So, I would have to insist that I get a copy of both the Bible and Homer.

Favourite author? Okay, this is like putting a pin in a map of the world. Charles Dickens.

Do reviews influence your choice of reads? I think I go more with word of mouth.

Fiction or Non fiction? Fiction.

Have you ever met your favourite author? I met Judy Blume at an SCBWI Conference a few years ago, and that was one of the highlights of my literary career. What a lovely person she is and a joy to listen to. And she continues to produce wonderful books.

Audio books or Paperbacks? I try to keep an audio book in the car most of the time, but I love nothing more than curling up with paper book.

Classic or Modern Novels? Both. I still haven’t finished Shakespeare, but as for modern, I prefer Young Adult.

Book Groups or Solitary Reading? I’ve only ever belonged to one book reading group. That was in Pensacola, Florida. I enjoyed listening to the opinions of the other readers and discussing some interesting books. But next to writing, solitary reading is my most favorite activity.

11 people to tag? Ah!

Join only if you think you could use this excursion in your life. And let me know if you do.

Sylvia Leontaritis

Cana Rensberger

Margot Finke

Holly Owen

Pam Maynard

J. Aday Kennedy

Marva Dasef

Barbara Ehrentreu

Brian Knight

Bill Kirk

Sue Perkins

Don’t forget YOU’VE BEEN TAGGED. I hope to hear from you soon with the link to your posting.

If your name isn’t on the list, and you want to play, join in and send me your link.

Thanks, Mirka, for tagging me and letting me play along.

9 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Nancy Stewart
    Feb 29, 2012 @ 08:18:38

    Thanks for thinking of me, Barbara. This is fun, and I’m in! Will get it posted early next week. I loved reading your comments…


  2. Barbara Ehrentreu
    Feb 29, 2012 @ 15:08:36

    Thank you Barbars for tagging me! I have been tagged by several other people as part of the Campaign. So it might take me awhile to do this 🙂 I very honored and I will definitely get to it, though.


  3. Marva Dasef
    Mar 01, 2012 @ 23:56:11

    Just got back today from LV. Thanks for tagging me. I’ll get on this soon.


  4. Trackback: Tag…I’m It! | The Grass Skirt
  5. Mirka Breen
    Mar 24, 2012 @ 02:26:52

    Very late commenting, because it took me this long to get over being called ‘brilliant.’ Kind of slow that way… Thanks for playing Barbara, and I hope you and your tagged-ones and their tagged-ones had fun.


  6. barbarabockman
    Mar 24, 2012 @ 13:13:22

    Hi Mirka,
    It was fun playing You’ve Been Tagged. I visited the Trackback at The Grass Skirt. It’s an interesting way to become acquainted with different bloggers.


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